ECP Preliminary Programme 2014 - page 24

Total amount to be paid:
Hotel reservations can be made online via the congress website:
I have transferred the amount (free of any bank charges) of EUR
on (date)
to your bank:
Deutsche Bank PGK AG
Account number: 5 856 786 36
IBAN: DE93 1007 0024 0585 6786 36
Bank code: 100 700 24
I use the following credit card: 
American Express 
Mastercard / Eurocard
Name as indicated on the card:
Postal code, City:
Card number:
Security number:
(see the back of your credit card)
 Expiry date:
I will attend the 26
European Congress of Pathology only if my abstract has been accepted.
Should my abstract not be accepted, the registration fee will be refunded upon my written request.
I agree that my name, institution, city and country will be published in the “Who is Who” on the congress website.
I herewith accept the general conditions mentioned below. I agree that for the purpose of congress organisation only my
personal data will be registered by using electronic data processors.
General Conditions
The European Society of Pathology (hereafter named ESP) has commissioned CPO HANSER SERVICE with the organisation and executi-
on of the conference. The registration for the conference and the confirmation thereof forms a contract between the conference attendee
and the ESP regarding attendance at the conference. This contract is based on the following General Terms and Conditions.
Registration Fees for the 26
ECP 2014 in London //
Attendance at the congress is subject to a registration fee. Registration for the
conference and booking of services are binding for the attendee. The fees must be paid in advance on the dates specified. Any bank
charges will be charged to the payer.
Cancellation of Congress Attendance //
In the event that the attendance at the congress is cancelled by 30 April 2014, the registration
fee minus a processing fee of EUR 100,00 will be refunded. The attendee will have the option to prove that the expenditure for proces-
sing is less than EUR 100,00 of the registration fee. No refund will be made if the registration is cancelled at a later date. Please notify
CPO HANSER SERVICE of your cancellation in writing.
Programme Changes //
The ESP reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the programme at short notice. There will be no
pro rata refund of registration fees for cancelled papers or changes to the programme.
Liability of the ESP //
The ESP is the organiser of the scientific conference. It is liable within the scope of the laws of Belgium. Its lia-
bility – regardless of the legal cause – is limited to cases of gross negligence and wilful misconduct. The ESP is, however, also liable for
slight negligence if and to the extent that cardinal obligations under the contract are breached.
Force majeure //
For reasons beyond its control (such as war, strikes, lockouts, riots or any such civil disturbances, any acts of God, in-
cluding but not limited to earthquakes, floods, droughts and typhoons and any other cause of circumstance of whatsoever nature beyond
control) that have an impact on the arrangements, timetables or planning of the 26th European Congress of Pathology (ECP 2014) and
its corresponding activities in London, ESP has the right to immediately alter or cancel the activities or events or any of the arrange-
ments, timetables, plans or other items relating directly or indirectly thereto. No party involved shall be entitled to any compensation for
damages that result from such alteration or cancellation.
Place of Performance, Venue of Jurisdiction //
London shall be the exclusive place of performance and Berlin venue of jurisdiction for
all parties. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.
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