WFSBP 2019 Final Program

30 Scientific Program / Monday, 3 June 2019 WFSBP 2019 MON T16: EMERGENCY PSYCHIATRY S-17 SYMPOSIUM 17:00–18:30 East Meeting Room 8/15 Dealing with agitation in every day clinical practice Chair: Eduard Vieta, Spain Co-Chair: Veronica Larach - Walters, Chile 001 Developing a semi presencial modular training course in dealing with agitation Veronica Larach-Walters, Chile 002 Agitation in Schizophrenia Marina Garriga, Spain 003 Agitation in Bipolar Disorder (BD) Gustavo Vazquez, Canada 004 Can we realistically avoid restraints when treating agitation? Thomas Messer, Germany T28: NEUROIMAGING: GENETIC, FUNCTIONAL, STRUCTURAL S-18 SYMPOSIUM 17:00–18:30 East Meeting Room 13 Brain ultrastructure and neuronal functional alterations in Bipolar Disorder (BP): Towards an in vivo “microscopy” Chair: Josselin Houenou, France Co-Chair: Benicio Frey, Canada 001 Resting state bold signal variability correlates with clinical dimensions in euthymic bipolar patients Camille Piguet, Switzerland 002 Disruption of large scale neuroanatomical networks in Bipolar Disorder (BP) Colm McDonald, Ireland S. O’Donoghue, L. Nabulsi, G. McPhilemy, B. Hallahan, D. M. Cannon 003 In vivo assessment of gray and white matter ultra- structure in Bipolar Disorder (BP) with neurite orienta- tion dispersion and density imaging Josselin Houenou, France 004 Age-related deficits in intracortical myelin are associated with poor cognitive function in Bipolar Disorder (BP) Benicio Frey, Canada T5: ANXIETY DISORDERS: BASIC/CLINICAL S-19 SYMPOSIUM 17:00–18:30 East Meeting Room 16 The microbiome across the anxiety spectrum Chair: Sian Hemmings, South Africa Co-Chair: Christopher Lowry, USA 001 The microbiome and mental health: Focus on anxi- ety spectrum disorders Christopher Lowry, USA 002 The role of the gut microbiome in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Sian Hemmings, South Africa S. Malan-Muller 003 Potential of the gut microbiome as a predictor of response to ketamine treatment in treatment-resistant major depression disorder (MDD) patients Carmen Schiweck, Belgium 004 Probiotic supplementation of pregnant women and its effects on postpartum anxiety and depression Rebecca Frances Slykerman, New Zealand T8: CHILDHOOD & ADOLESCENT DISORDERS: BASIC/CLINICAL S-20 SYMPOSIUM 17:00–18:30 East Meeting Room 9 Novel environmental risks for impaired spine development in neuropsychiatry diseases Chair: Kohji Fukunaga, Japan Co-Chair: Keith Murai, Canada 001 Nearly life inflammation-lon lasting effects on neuronal signaling and behaviors Quentin J. Pittman, Canada 002 A gene/environment interaction in understanding neurodevelopmental disorders Noriko Osumi, Japan 003 Modifiable risk factors for Alzhiemer’s Disease and glia-driven neuroinflamation: What are the links Andis Klegeris, Canada 004 Risk of G-quadruplex DNA for cognitive impair- ment in ATR-X syndrome Kohji Fukunaga, Japan

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