ESSPD Congress 2014 - Final Programme - page 35

Poster Presentations
Tailoring treatment of borderline personality in adoles­
cence: Feedback and service developments
Claire Hepworth, London, United Kingdom
Catherine Ames
Childhood adversity, bonding and family functioning:
Is there a specific association with borderline personality
disorder in adolescents?
Maria Rita Infurna, Palermo, Italy
Peter Parzer, Francesca Giannone, Franz Resch, Romuald
Brunner, Michael Kaess
Poster Tour
Anxiety Disorder
Self-esteem and interpersonal problems in personality
disorders: A comparison of avoidant personality disorder
and borderline personality disorder
Riad Shenar, Guenzburg, Germany
Diana Braakmann, Manuela Dudeck
An effective neurofeedback treatment on a clinical case
of anxiety
Marta Aliño Costa, València, Spain
Marien Gadea, Evelio Garijo, Raul Espert, Alicia Salvador
Poster Tour
A genetic variant in 12q13 associated with depression
accounting for stressful life events, personality and
candidate genetic variants
Ayu Shimasaki, Kutsukake-Cho, Toyoake, Aichi, Japan
Kosei Esaki, Kenji Kondo, Takeo Saito, Hiroyuki Kimura,
Kengo Miyahara, Masashi Ikeda, Nakao Iwata
Relationship of suicide risk with early life stress and
resilience in patients with major depressive disorder
Jeong-Ho Seok, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Kyu-Hyeong Huh, Won-Jung Choi
Self-criticism, dependency and borderline adolescents‘
externalizing and internalizing problems
Sandro de Santis, Palermo, Italy
Giorgio Falgares
Dimensionally measured personality traits as predictors
of dropout from mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
for depression
Jacob Sander Hansen, Glostrup, Denmark
Ralf Jensen
Personality and emotional experience in depressed
patients with and without borderline personality disorder
Ulrike Dinger, Heidelberg, Germany
Johanna Köhling, Henning Schauenburg, Johannes
C. Ehrenthal
Poster Tour
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
DBT skills training in alcohol dependence treatment:
A preliminary study
Marco Cavicchioli, Milan, Italy
Maria Grazia Movalli, Camilla Ciliberti, Martina Testa
Dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality
disorder and anorexia nervosa comorbidity: A case study
Maria Vicenta Navarro Haro, Seattle, USA
Azucena Garcia Palacios, Cristina Botella
Care for people with borderline personality disorder in
Ottawa, Canada: Innovation and integration
Deanna Mercer, Ottawa, Canada
Marjorie Robb, Karin Stojsic, Helen Gottfried-Unruh,
Dana Kochanowicz, Craig Defries, Brian Oelberg, Brenda
Moore, Christine Dickson
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