ESSM Newsletter # 38

Contents Welcome Address With the next 2018 ISSM/ESSM meeting just a few weeks away, sexual medicine is becoming increasingly of inter­ est throughout Europe. The European Society of Sexual Medicine is very happy to welcome to Lisbon the greatest worldwide experts on sexual and reproductive functioning and we look forward to giving a voice to the hundreds of speakers who will disclose their latest research results! In this issue of ESSM TODAY, we touch on just a few of the several topics in our discipline, but this is enough to further open our eyes and reawaken our thirst for know­ ledge, expanding our vision of what is today defined as sexual medicine and will be tomorrow or far into the future. “Old” solved and unresolved questions are now accom­ panied by new ones: Is testosterone treatment advisable and safe? Will we ever be able to perform penile trans­ plantations on a regular basis? What is the effect of PDE5 inhibitors on male fertility? Can we use the Platelet Rich Plasma of a given patient to heal his cavernous nerve injuries and restore erectile function? In Lisbon many more physicians and psycho-sexologists will become FECSM and ECPS fellows. Starting now I would like to tell them that they are more than welcome as we at the European Society of Sexual Medicine need their brains and their brawn to win old therapeutic battles and challenge new ones. Ferdinando Fusco MD, PhD Editor-in-Chief Copyright © ESSM All rights reserved 3 4 5 7 12 14 16 18 Letter from the ESSM president François Giuliano, France Testosterone replacement treatment in USA: A short interview with Joseph Alukal Ferdinando Fusco, Italy PRP (Platelet Enriched Plasma) and erectile dysfunction: How far along we are? Marco Franco, Italy; Eduardo García-Cruz, Spain Effects of PDE5 inhibitors on the male reproductive potential: A dinner conversation Fotios Dimitriadis, Japan; Athanasios Zachariou, Nikolaos Sofikitis, Greece Penile transplantation in men: Past, present and future Nikolai Sopko, USA Urethroplasty and erectile dysfunction Salvatore Sansalone, Italy; Guido Barbagli, Italy Have you read? Best of the best: Clinical research Nicola Mondaini, Italy Meetings and events calendar Roberto Larocca, Italy

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