ECP 2018 Final Programme

Tuesday, 11 Sept 100 ECP 2018 · Bilbao Poster Presentations a Tuesday PS-14 009 Prevalence of microsatellite instability in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas Magali Svrcek, France R. Lupinacci, A. Goloudina, O. Buhard, J.-B. Bachet, R. Maréchal, P. Demetter, J. Cros, A. Bardier-Dupas, A. Collura, P. Cervera, A. Scriva, S. Dumont, P. Hammel, A. Sauvanet, C. Louvet, J.-R. Delpéro, F. Paye, J.-C. Vaillant, T. André, J.-F. Emile, J.-L. Van Laethem, V. Jonchère, M. Antoine, A. Rodenas, J.-F. Fléjou, N. Dusetti, J. Iovanna, A. Duval 010 Blocked cholesterol synthesis induces hepatocellular carcinoma in transgenic mice Jera Jeruc, Slovenia K. Blagotinšek Cokan, M. Perše, G. Lorbek, Ž. Urlep, P. Juvan, D. Rozman 012 Glutamine synthetase, Glypican-3 and Arginase-1 expression in metastatic tumours of the liver Funda Yilmaz Barbet, Turkey A. Argon, S. Erbil, D. Nart, F. Yilmaz 013 Diagnostic utility of Inhibin immunohisto- chemistry in a multimodality approach to pancreatic cysts Michael Steel, Canada S. Rao, H. Yang, F. Donnellan, D. Schaeffer 014 CD73 in hepatobiliopancreatic system: a potential target for immunotherapy and additional tool for the pathological diagnosis Amedeo Sciarra, Switzerland I. Monteiro, C. Ménétrier-Caux, C. Caux, S. La Rosa, P. Romero, C. Sempoux, L. de Leval 015 Malignant transformation of a hepatocel- lular adenoma in a male individual reveals insights into its molecular trajectories Sebastian Klein, Germany C. Heydt, R. Büttner, A. Hillmer, U. Drebber 016 Endobiliary colorectal cancer metastases: clinicopathologic analysis in 19 cases Funda Yilmaz Barbet, Turkey F. Yildirim, A. Argon, A. Uguz, O. V. Unalp, M. Sezak, B. Doganavsargil Yakut, M. Zeytunlu, D. Nart, F. Yilmaz 017 Morphologic patterns of IgG4-related lesions of different localisation Sergey Lishchuk, Russia K. Pavlov, E. Dubova, I. Kazantseva 018 Long-term follow-up in children with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2 after partial external biliary diversion with focus on histopatho- logical changes Sylwia Szymanska, Poland J. Cielecka-Kuszyk, W. Grajkowska, P. Lipiriski, I. Jankowska, M. Pronicki 019 Morphological and immunohistochemical classification of a large series of hepato- cellular adenomas with follow up correlation Yolanda Rodriguez-Gil, Spain A.-L. Vasquez, R. García, C. Alegre, C. Ibarrola, F. Colina 020 Mucinous cystic neoplasm of the pancreas with classic histologic findings of type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis in a patient without IgG4-related systemic disease – a case report Kevin Gowing, Canada H.-M. Yang, D. Schaeffer 021 Liver diffuse pathology: importance of elastometric studies Irina Stepanyan, Russia V. Izranov, M. Martinovich, J. Kobinets 022 Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma – a tumour which is not really good! Mukta Ramadwar, India G. Wagh, K. Deodhar, M. Bal, M. Goel, S. Patkar, V. Otswal, P. Patil

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